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There is a largely invisible population of 250,000 people in Connecticut and 16 million in the U.S. over age 50 navigating life’s challenges and decisions without the benefit of a spouse or life partner, children, or relatives involved in their lives. They are referred to as Solo Agers and Elder Orphans.
Join us for a presentation at he Lucy Robbins Welles Library in Newington, CT that explores:
  • the shifting demographics in our aging nation.
  • the declining birthrate and what that means to our society and our support needs.
  • strategies for coping with, managing, and conquering loneliness in our disconnected society.
  • a positive outlook for living your best life as a solo ager after age 50.
Registration is required.

About the Speaker

Jill Kovalich is a marketing expert exploring issues we face around aging alone. There is a largely invisible population of 250,000 people in Connecticut and 16 million in the U.S. over age 50 navigating life’s challenges and decisions without the support of a spouse or life partner, children, or relatives involved in their lives. They are referred to as Solo Agers and Elder Orphans.

Jill Kovalich is the Founder of the unique online hub, SoloAgersConnect.com, for Solo Agers to easily find information, services, and resources they need, connect to a Facebook community with similar interests, and develop friendships. Solo Agers include people fifty and older who are navigating the challenges of aging without the support of a spouse or partner, children, or family nearby. She is also a Solo Ager with a positive outlook on aging and life.

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